Academic, Financial and Administration Independence


Academic Independence

The University recognizes that academic freedom is a right and responsibility of all staff and students and that it underpins creation and dissemination of new knowledge. Academic freedom is central to mission University. A member of academic staff of shall have freedom, within law, in his or her teaching, research and any other activities either in or outside Institute, to:
Question and test received wisdom.
Put forward new ideas.

Financial Independence

The University is taking care of all its expense from the revenue it generates from student fee and any other educational projects it delivers to the public and private sector. The university is not reliable on any external funding unless it is for the purpose of delivering an academic or a research activity. It obeys the international financial reporting standards and is being audited accordingly. Up to date policies, procedures and control mechanism are developed to ensure transparency and accountability in the day to day financial management matters.

Administrative Independence

The University has qualified and experience management and academic staff that works according the University policies and based on the Afghan Labor Code. They are not dependent and influenced by any external institutions that has no legal obligation toward the Afghanistan higher education or regulating the private Universities of the country. To ensure proper management of personnel, administrative and logistical services, the university keep up date policies, procedures and control mechanisms.

Administrative Independence

The University has qualified and experience management and academic staff that works according the University policies and based on the Afghan Labor Code. They are not dependent and influenced by any external institutions that has no legal obligation toward the Afghanistan higher education or regulating the private Universities of the country. To ensure proper management of personnel, administrative and logistical services, the university keep up date policies, procedures and control mechanisms.

Campaign Against Corruption

Setting an example of correct behavior for students, though important, is only a first step. Bakhtar University has set a social function for itself to educate and equip students with tools and experiences that make them successful professionals and citizens. This requires a strong commitment to teaching professional ethics across curricula. Ethics education is known to reduce selfish behavior among students and their inclination to cheat. The upsides are:

Improved achievement of educational goals, because students must actually study instead of cheating;

Long-term benefits, because research shows that students who cheat at school are more likely to be dishonest in their career;

Bakhtar University