Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation

All courses and programmes within the University are regularly monitored and evaluated through a range of mechanisms.

Course evaluation

Students complete evaluation forms for taught courses which provide valuable feedback about learning and teaching methods, course strengths and areas for development. The academic staff members responsible for the course then analyze the student feedback, the views of other staff involved in teaching and assessment on the course and the profile of students’ assessment results. Changes for the next delivery of the course are proposed, when appropriate. Examples of changes include modifications to course content, structure or to the assessment questions or methods.

Programme evaluation

Each degree programme is also evaluated annually with the whole group of students taking a degree asked to comment on the programme as a whole through the year. This provides valuable feedback on the design of the programme, the structure and flow of the course and assessment components that make up the degree, and students’ perceptions of the overall quality of learning and teaching.

Professional programmes

For professional programmes, it provides insights into how students find the fit between placements with the taught courses. Programme evaluation also covers the quality of guidance and pastoral support, of dissertation or thesis supervision, and mentoring and field supervision for professional placements.

Staff feedback

As for course evaluation, all staff members involved in programmes also contribute to an overall evaluation of the programme each year and external examiners specifically comment on programmes in general, as well as individual courses, in their annual report.

Student representation and Support

Each subject area has consultation meetings with student representatives or class groups from all the programmes and year groups at which course and programme evaluations and proposed changes are reported.

Increasing Partnership

Bakhter University is establishing partnerships with national and international educational and training institutions that could support the university both academically and technically to deliver quality education. following partnerships have been mobilized and during the strategic planning period this will be expanded to the regional and global bakhtar Universitys.
George Town University, USA
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, United Kingdom, London.
Ata Turk University, Turkey
Putra University, Malaysia
KIT University, India

Gender Issue

Bakhter University is committed to promoting a diverse, scholarly community in which people are valued, respected, and treated equitably. Its quest to achieve excellence in teaching and research requires an academic environment in which staff and students from a wide range of backgrounds can flourish irrespective of class race or gender.
The Five- year strategic plan, aims to deliver equity outcomes to all groups, to those from low socio-economic backgrounds, to those with disabilities, to women in areas where they are under-represented and to the general staff.

Developing a Cadre of Professional and Competent Teachers

Bakhtar University recruits its permanent and adjunct faculty through a competitive process considering qualification and experience at the top priorities. The teachers included both male and female, national and international instructors with background in teaching a specific principle. In addition, the university plans to invest on the teachers that are holding bachelor’s degrees are prepare them for teaching. This initiative includes provision of training and development opportunities that prepare a cadre of professional teachers. To ensure an equal number of male and female teachers are ensure, the priority is given to the female.

Bakhtar University