Academic Affairs

I welcome all the students who chose to be a part of Bakhtar University, I am sure that you will feel proud on being associated with us and make us equally proud with your academic excellence. I strongly believe Bakhtar University is marching ahead in the right direction, providing a holistic education to the future generation and playing a positive role in nation building. In BU, students not only earn their degree, but also gain immense knowledge, get practical training, develop themselves in terms of personality and professionalism, acquire ethical values, learn to work with others and lead. They gain the confidence to face the challenges of changing world. BU is celebrating year 2019 as year of Information Technology and it has helped open up new vistas of growth of knowledge and academic excellence. It is immensely gratifying that, in keeping with this change, the Bakhtar University will make significant strides in expanding its academic activities and programmes at the national and international levels. Our academy offers demand– driven career oriented programs with ample and modern facilities to educate the students and equip them in the rapidly changing global scenario and succeed.

Dr. Sarfaraz Karim
Vice Chancellor Academic

Vice chancellor of Academic fulfills all educational activities, educational and research affairs of the university.

Activities & Responsibility
  • Working to develop a strategic plan for the next five years.
  • Prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually working plans based on achieved and predefined aims.
  • Design educational, learning and research policies for teachers to standardize affairs in University.
  • Guidance and supervision of teaching plans and programs of faculties and institutes of University.
  • Developing and updating the learning tools using the most cutting-edge technologies.
  • Recruiting highly qualified academic staff and ensuring transparency and commitment to the university rules and regulations.
  • Establishing a robust, enabling academic infrastructure involving laboratories, centers, academic tools …etc.
  • Reviewing and upgrading all the existed academic curriculums, as well as creating new ones.
  • Regular monitor of theoretical and scientific lessons of lecturers for better application of teaching plans in faculties.
  • Implementing the quality assurance in education and supervision of application of rules, laws, acts and regulations for achievement of academic affairs’ aims.
  • Supervision and control of publishing books to faculties and central library of university for effective usage of students according to international standards.
  • Design and prepare policies for Masters Programs to increase and develop education level.
  • Accomplishment of affairs related to academic protocols with national and international institutes.
  • Guidance and supervision of scientific conferences purposed to promotion of lecturers.
  • Decentralizing the academic work by giving the deans and chairs of departments more authority, consistent with the regulations.
  • Seeking to develop the capacities of academic staff by organizing workshops and training sessions in different disciplines.
  • Developing the student academic counseling in collaboration with the admission and registration department.
  • Maintaining the library through increasing the number and the quality of the books and the journals using high sophisticated technologies
  • Leadership and management of personnel to achieve planed aims.
Bakhtar University